Life is a fragile thing. Love is one word in a vast sea of voice, and things that are spoken are not always the truth. Emotion seems to be the only thing real anymore.
Please not that the story i am about to tell you is in all seriousness true. Every aspect that occurs in this story has happened to a young lady by the name of Willow Elizabeth Mitchell. Willow needs someone to hear her story. She has been hiding it from the world for so long that she could not take it anymore, and Lover Of Sadness is the perfect place for her to share it.
Be warned, if you do not enjoy stories of lost love and accidents that bring even the strongest to their knees, stop reading right now. If you chose to continue, believe every word i say, for some of it is happening right now to her. Be warned.
Willow was always the quiet sort. With hair such a dark, rich brown that it seems black, eyes the color of the ocean, and extraordinarily pale skin, she was often referred to as ghost girl. I guess it does not help that she was always sort of invisible, never noticed for much all through her elementary school days. Kindergarten was the only time she was spoken to, then came first grade. The day little Willow wrote her first poem. A poem about a man who tried to commit suicide, but failed and wound up living, to his dismay. Her teacher was terrified. She called Willow's parents. Her parents forced her to attend a mental hospital. She had to repeat first grade. But there was nothing wrong with Willow. She was misunderstood. Misinterpreted. She did not wish to cause people pain, she felt it. She could feel others emotions and sometimes hear what they thought. Songs that her mother would have stuck in her head would suddenly pop into Willow's head. From the day she realized others did not like her forward, she swore to herself to always act normal around teachers and her family. She was the outcast all through 1st through 5th grade. And then she matured.
She got curves on her sides. Her chest swelled up like water balloons had been shoved under her shirt. She grew a different interest in guys. Her hips became larger. Her backside became more round. Willow lost the young girl look to her face, and looked more as though she were 18 instead of 11. Her legs became long and sleek, and turned out to be most of her, mostly leg and less torso. She was different, and boys new that.
All through 6th grade, there wasn't a day that Willow didn't have a boyfriend. I suppose it would have helped if she had some friends that were girls, but all of her friends were guys. She threw a football like a professional. She could beat up any person if she felt the need. She began talking like a guy, walking like a guy, acting like a guy. She became "one of the guys." She was tough, she could sing, she could write. And she could get boyfriends, which is more than I can say for other girls her age.
Few friends that were girls told her she was beautiful, they said she was a great singer, that she had a great body and was the best person they knew, but Willow did not believe a word of it. She knew better, she had been sent to rehab and mental hospitals since she was a young girl. No matter what anyone said, she would forever believe she was a freak of nature. One that saw people believed to be dead for years, a freak who heard thoughts and felt unnatural emotions. She spent her spare time alone, writing dark poetry and drawing anime & emo cartoons and listening to heavy metal music blared in her room. She was what people on her school referred to as Goth. And Willow would soon meet the boy that would change her life forever. And soon after that, boy she would still love to this day.
It was in 6th grade that she met him. I know that it seems as though that is a young time to meet someone who she is writing about still and is still very upset about losing. Well, you better believe it, because it's the truth. Willow as out on a walk, listening to her MP3 player and singing the lyrics to her favorite song, when something fell from the tree in front of her. She squealed and jumped back in fright. She took a good look at it. It... it was a boy. A boy with black hair that slightly covered his face. A boy with eyes such a deep green that they could only be described as emeralds, peering into her sea after a storm eyes. He has muscle definition, effeminately, but was not buff.
He stood up quickly and looked at Willow for what seemed like forever. His face was blank, his pale skin shining ever so slightly in the sun. Seeing as he was oddly not wearing a shirt, Willow could see one... two... three... four.. five... no, six abs and a V shape lining the top of black skinny jeans with a chain reaching from his front belt loop to somewhere in the back of them.
Willow was stunned by how fast her heart was racing at the sight of the treeboy. "Uh," she managed to squeak, "you just kinda fell from that tree..." She cleared her throat to hide all trace of nervousness. "Are you OK or do you need some kind of medical help?" The boy laughed nervously. "I'm OK." His voice was perfect. Not too deep, not too high, just like the voice of the lead singer of her favorite band. She smiled. They started talking. She found out that his name was Jake, and he was 15. She instantly fell in love with him when he said the thing that proved to her that she wasn't alone. Willow had asked him if he had been going to the high school. In a nervous voice, he answered "No, my parents pulled me out of school and stuck me in rehab."
Willow couldn't believe that a person so much like her could actually exist. He was an outcast, he was Goth, no, Emo, which Willow soon after realized she was as well. His name was Jake Black, surprisingly enough, and Willow's only wish in the world was to become Mrs. Willow Elizabeth Black.
They began to date. They were together at all times, every moment spent apart causing more pain in their worlds than there already was. She needed him, he needed her. There was no more Jake Black and Willow Mitchell, only Jake and Willow. It was like this for years. They were happy, no, more than happy, they were in heaven. Absolute heaven. Nothing could make life better. Nothing could drive them apart. Nothing, no one. And then, a year into their dating, Willow's parents were going on a trip for a week. And it happened. Jake came over late one night, and they were just watching a movie. They were sitting on the couch, holding hands, and out of no where, Jake kisses Willow. It was normal for him to kiss her, but this felt different. It evolved into more then just a peck on the lips, into making out, which led to Willow's bedroom. And that night, Jake spent the night.
Jake came to visit Willow the entire time her parents were away, he did not want her to be alone. He cared about her, and she cared about him. When her parents returned, they found Jake's shirt in Willow's hamper. Jake accidentally left it over the night that things got intimate. Outraged, her parents demanded to ask what it is was doing in her hamper. Willow stumbled for an answer. She decided to lie, since that is all she had been doing to her parents since the day she turned Emo. She said they had gone to the YMCA to swim and Jake left his shirt there, so she brought it home. Luckily, her parents believed it. She was off the hook.
Jake and Willow spent a few more nights like this together. They were in bliss. Things were perfect when hey were together, even if that was the only time they were. And then, one day, Jake told Willow he was moving away.
Willow begged Jake to stay, to stay with her in her guestroom. She told him she would not charge rent and she would give herself to him every night if that was what he wanted in order to stay. But he refused everything. He promised to talk to her every night he was gone. When he moved, he kept his promise. They could no longer see each other, but they talked all the time. Until the night he didn't call.
Panicking, she calls his sister. His sister told Willow that Jake had been at a party with friends and had gotten drunk and that it was best if she called another time, but Willow insisted on talking to him. When he got on the phone she told him all about how she had been worried that he forgot about her. Jake was so drunk that he couldn't monitor what he was saying, and so he told her that after that night at her house, all he wanted was sex from Willow. He said he did some chick he met when he moved and had no interest in Willow anymore. He broke up with her right then and there, and then he hung up.
Willow cried for weeks, didn't go to school, refused rehab, slit her wrists every chance she got and jumped off of her roof every other day. She was a mess. And it was all because of him.
She eventually got a least sort of over Jake, but she still never dated. She never hung out with friends, only one. Her best friend Somer. Willow and Somer were hanging out with Somer's friends, a bunch of guys that Willow knew from school. She did not want to hang out, but when she met Ricky, that all changed.
Ricky McKinny was Somer's ex boyfriend, and Somer was trying to get back with him. But Ricky, dark almost black hair, deep brown eyes, six pack abs Ricky, had other ideas. He said he did not give 2nd chances to people who broke his heart. Somer tried so hard that day. But the more she fell for him, the more he fell for Willow.
Admittedly, Willow thought he was great. Been to rehab himself and being an ex cutter, Ricky was a lot like her. But she still loved Jake with all her heart. Ricky hung out with her every day though, and did not fully admit to her how much he liked her until a month into them being friends. Then they kissed, and Willow's world was turned upside down.
They dated for two glorious months, and Willow finally felt like she was over Jake. She was happy with Ricky, but he moved so much slower than Jake. They didn't kiss much, not until the second month, when he started to ask about when he could come over and when her parents would be out. They were happy. Willow was happy, for the first time in a very long time.
Willow often made jokes with her guy friends about how she would snuggle with them when they camped out and how they would be in their own tent for privacy, but they knew she was in love with Ricky, and they never said anything to him about it and never took anything she said seriously. Everything was fine. Until the day that Ricky looked through her texts. He saw that she had been telling her friend Joey that if all Ricky wanted was to spend a night alone with her, she didn't want him anywhere near her room. She was joking of course but Ricky didn't know that. Enraged, her broke up with her. Willow explained that it was all a joke and begged for his forgiveness, and he asked for her back. But now Willow was angry, and she refused.
Willow wanted Ricky back. She loved him, and she knew that he loved her. But she could not swallow her pride and tell him. She went back into the depression she entered when Jake had torn her heart to pieces. She swallowed bleach, slit her wrists, even tried to hang herself once, but to no avial. No matter what happened, she survived. She eventually gave in and told Ricky she wanted him back, but this time he refused. That night, she got a call from Jake. She didn't answer, still not able to face the reality of what happened so long ago. He left a voice mail.
"Willow-tree, I love you. That night that you called and I was drunk wasn't true! It was not me that was talking, it was my stupid friend Ron I swear it didn't happen! I love you so much, I'm coming home. Please call me."
Willow deleted the message. She didn't care. She didn't believe it, she spent so long angry at him for what happened that it just couldn't be that it was all not real. Her brain screamed no while her heart sobbed yes. But she didn't. She didn't call him, and the next night, his sister called. His sister being her friend, she answered. Jake had been in an accident.
Jake had been driving from a party with his friends to a hotel for the night when a drunk driver hit his car. It had killed his friends and the driver of the car, but it put Jake in a coma. His sister said that the doctors did not think he would ever wake up.
After hearing this, Willow cried for another 2 days. school was no exception. Her life had official turned into hell. Her life is officially BETTER than hell. For this is what is going on now. Willow spends nights crying herself to sleep over the two loves of her life. And she knows that this is all result of love's revenge. She had not answered Jake's call, she didn't believe that what he was saying was true. So, love gets revenge, and puts him in a coma. She had been joking around with friends, so Ricky dumped her. And when he asked for her back, she said no, so when she asks for him back, love gets revenge and causes him to say no.
Life is a fragile thing. Love is one word in a vast sea of voice, and things that are spoken are not always the truth. Emotion seems to be the only thing real anymore, and emotions are not always good ones.
Please not that the story i am about to tell you is in all seriousness true. Every aspect that occurs in this story has happened to a young lady by the name of Willow Elizabeth Mitchell. Willow needs someone to hear her story. She has been hiding it from the world for so long that she could not take it anymore, and Lover Of Sadness is the perfect place for her to share it.
Be warned, if you do not enjoy stories of lost love and accidents that bring even the strongest to their knees, stop reading right now. If you chose to continue, believe every word i say, for some of it is happening right now to her. Be warned.
Willow was always the quiet sort. With hair such a dark, rich brown that it seems black, eyes the color of the ocean, and extraordinarily pale skin, she was often referred to as ghost girl. I guess it does not help that she was always sort of invisible, never noticed for much all through her elementary school days. Kindergarten was the only time she was spoken to, then came first grade. The day little Willow wrote her first poem. A poem about a man who tried to commit suicide, but failed and wound up living, to his dismay. Her teacher was terrified. She called Willow's parents. Her parents forced her to attend a mental hospital. She had to repeat first grade. But there was nothing wrong with Willow. She was misunderstood. Misinterpreted. She did not wish to cause people pain, she felt it. She could feel others emotions and sometimes hear what they thought. Songs that her mother would have stuck in her head would suddenly pop into Willow's head. From the day she realized others did not like her forward, she swore to herself to always act normal around teachers and her family. She was the outcast all through 1st through 5th grade. And then she matured.
She got curves on her sides. Her chest swelled up like water balloons had been shoved under her shirt. She grew a different interest in guys. Her hips became larger. Her backside became more round. Willow lost the young girl look to her face, and looked more as though she were 18 instead of 11. Her legs became long and sleek, and turned out to be most of her, mostly leg and less torso. She was different, and boys new that.
All through 6th grade, there wasn't a day that Willow didn't have a boyfriend. I suppose it would have helped if she had some friends that were girls, but all of her friends were guys. She threw a football like a professional. She could beat up any person if she felt the need. She began talking like a guy, walking like a guy, acting like a guy. She became "one of the guys." She was tough, she could sing, she could write. And she could get boyfriends, which is more than I can say for other girls her age.
Few friends that were girls told her she was beautiful, they said she was a great singer, that she had a great body and was the best person they knew, but Willow did not believe a word of it. She knew better, she had been sent to rehab and mental hospitals since she was a young girl. No matter what anyone said, she would forever believe she was a freak of nature. One that saw people believed to be dead for years, a freak who heard thoughts and felt unnatural emotions. She spent her spare time alone, writing dark poetry and drawing anime & emo cartoons and listening to heavy metal music blared in her room. She was what people on her school referred to as Goth. And Willow would soon meet the boy that would change her life forever. And soon after that, boy she would still love to this day.
It was in 6th grade that she met him. I know that it seems as though that is a young time to meet someone who she is writing about still and is still very upset about losing. Well, you better believe it, because it's the truth. Willow as out on a walk, listening to her MP3 player and singing the lyrics to her favorite song, when something fell from the tree in front of her. She squealed and jumped back in fright. She took a good look at it. It... it was a boy. A boy with black hair that slightly covered his face. A boy with eyes such a deep green that they could only be described as emeralds, peering into her sea after a storm eyes. He has muscle definition, effeminately, but was not buff.
He stood up quickly and looked at Willow for what seemed like forever. His face was blank, his pale skin shining ever so slightly in the sun. Seeing as he was oddly not wearing a shirt, Willow could see one... two... three... four.. five... no, six abs and a V shape lining the top of black skinny jeans with a chain reaching from his front belt loop to somewhere in the back of them.
Willow was stunned by how fast her heart was racing at the sight of the treeboy. "Uh," she managed to squeak, "you just kinda fell from that tree..." She cleared her throat to hide all trace of nervousness. "Are you OK or do you need some kind of medical help?" The boy laughed nervously. "I'm OK." His voice was perfect. Not too deep, not too high, just like the voice of the lead singer of her favorite band. She smiled. They started talking. She found out that his name was Jake, and he was 15. She instantly fell in love with him when he said the thing that proved to her that she wasn't alone. Willow had asked him if he had been going to the high school. In a nervous voice, he answered "No, my parents pulled me out of school and stuck me in rehab."
Willow couldn't believe that a person so much like her could actually exist. He was an outcast, he was Goth, no, Emo, which Willow soon after realized she was as well. His name was Jake Black, surprisingly enough, and Willow's only wish in the world was to become Mrs. Willow Elizabeth Black.
They began to date. They were together at all times, every moment spent apart causing more pain in their worlds than there already was. She needed him, he needed her. There was no more Jake Black and Willow Mitchell, only Jake and Willow. It was like this for years. They were happy, no, more than happy, they were in heaven. Absolute heaven. Nothing could make life better. Nothing could drive them apart. Nothing, no one. And then, a year into their dating, Willow's parents were going on a trip for a week. And it happened. Jake came over late one night, and they were just watching a movie. They were sitting on the couch, holding hands, and out of no where, Jake kisses Willow. It was normal for him to kiss her, but this felt different. It evolved into more then just a peck on the lips, into making out, which led to Willow's bedroom. And that night, Jake spent the night.
Jake came to visit Willow the entire time her parents were away, he did not want her to be alone. He cared about her, and she cared about him. When her parents returned, they found Jake's shirt in Willow's hamper. Jake accidentally left it over the night that things got intimate. Outraged, her parents demanded to ask what it is was doing in her hamper. Willow stumbled for an answer. She decided to lie, since that is all she had been doing to her parents since the day she turned Emo. She said they had gone to the YMCA to swim and Jake left his shirt there, so she brought it home. Luckily, her parents believed it. She was off the hook.
Jake and Willow spent a few more nights like this together. They were in bliss. Things were perfect when hey were together, even if that was the only time they were. And then, one day, Jake told Willow he was moving away.
Willow begged Jake to stay, to stay with her in her guestroom. She told him she would not charge rent and she would give herself to him every night if that was what he wanted in order to stay. But he refused everything. He promised to talk to her every night he was gone. When he moved, he kept his promise. They could no longer see each other, but they talked all the time. Until the night he didn't call.
Panicking, she calls his sister. His sister told Willow that Jake had been at a party with friends and had gotten drunk and that it was best if she called another time, but Willow insisted on talking to him. When he got on the phone she told him all about how she had been worried that he forgot about her. Jake was so drunk that he couldn't monitor what he was saying, and so he told her that after that night at her house, all he wanted was sex from Willow. He said he did some chick he met when he moved and had no interest in Willow anymore. He broke up with her right then and there, and then he hung up.
Willow cried for weeks, didn't go to school, refused rehab, slit her wrists every chance she got and jumped off of her roof every other day. She was a mess. And it was all because of him.
She eventually got a least sort of over Jake, but she still never dated. She never hung out with friends, only one. Her best friend Somer. Willow and Somer were hanging out with Somer's friends, a bunch of guys that Willow knew from school. She did not want to hang out, but when she met Ricky, that all changed.
Ricky McKinny was Somer's ex boyfriend, and Somer was trying to get back with him. But Ricky, dark almost black hair, deep brown eyes, six pack abs Ricky, had other ideas. He said he did not give 2nd chances to people who broke his heart. Somer tried so hard that day. But the more she fell for him, the more he fell for Willow.
Admittedly, Willow thought he was great. Been to rehab himself and being an ex cutter, Ricky was a lot like her. But she still loved Jake with all her heart. Ricky hung out with her every day though, and did not fully admit to her how much he liked her until a month into them being friends. Then they kissed, and Willow's world was turned upside down.
They dated for two glorious months, and Willow finally felt like she was over Jake. She was happy with Ricky, but he moved so much slower than Jake. They didn't kiss much, not until the second month, when he started to ask about when he could come over and when her parents would be out. They were happy. Willow was happy, for the first time in a very long time.
Willow often made jokes with her guy friends about how she would snuggle with them when they camped out and how they would be in their own tent for privacy, but they knew she was in love with Ricky, and they never said anything to him about it and never took anything she said seriously. Everything was fine. Until the day that Ricky looked through her texts. He saw that she had been telling her friend Joey that if all Ricky wanted was to spend a night alone with her, she didn't want him anywhere near her room. She was joking of course but Ricky didn't know that. Enraged, her broke up with her. Willow explained that it was all a joke and begged for his forgiveness, and he asked for her back. But now Willow was angry, and she refused.
Willow wanted Ricky back. She loved him, and she knew that he loved her. But she could not swallow her pride and tell him. She went back into the depression she entered when Jake had torn her heart to pieces. She swallowed bleach, slit her wrists, even tried to hang herself once, but to no avial. No matter what happened, she survived. She eventually gave in and told Ricky she wanted him back, but this time he refused. That night, she got a call from Jake. She didn't answer, still not able to face the reality of what happened so long ago. He left a voice mail.
"Willow-tree, I love you. That night that you called and I was drunk wasn't true! It was not me that was talking, it was my stupid friend Ron I swear it didn't happen! I love you so much, I'm coming home. Please call me."
Willow deleted the message. She didn't care. She didn't believe it, she spent so long angry at him for what happened that it just couldn't be that it was all not real. Her brain screamed no while her heart sobbed yes. But she didn't. She didn't call him, and the next night, his sister called. His sister being her friend, she answered. Jake had been in an accident.
Jake had been driving from a party with his friends to a hotel for the night when a drunk driver hit his car. It had killed his friends and the driver of the car, but it put Jake in a coma. His sister said that the doctors did not think he would ever wake up.
After hearing this, Willow cried for another 2 days. school was no exception. Her life had official turned into hell. Her life is officially BETTER than hell. For this is what is going on now. Willow spends nights crying herself to sleep over the two loves of her life. And she knows that this is all result of love's revenge. She had not answered Jake's call, she didn't believe that what he was saying was true. So, love gets revenge, and puts him in a coma. She had been joking around with friends, so Ricky dumped her. And when he asked for her back, she said no, so when she asks for him back, love gets revenge and causes him to say no.
Life is a fragile thing. Love is one word in a vast sea of voice, and things that are spoken are not always the truth. Emotion seems to be the only thing real anymore, and emotions are not always good ones.
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