This story is about a simple guy and an over ambitious girl.
This may create a controversy as this story is based on reality.
All the characters are fictitious there is no connection any person live or dead.
This may create a controversy as this story is based on reality.
All the characters are fictitious there is no connection any person live or dead.
There was a guy named, Vishal studying Masters in Reputed college. He was interested in one of the girl named Rashmi, from his class. they both belongs to the same city and studying at the same college in the city away from their home town. so most of the times they go to home together and by this way boy got fall in love with the girl.
we all know that most of the guys fall in love with 50% of girls they meet. I mean girls are too much lovable
. but Vishal was very simple and believes in long term relationships only. he found that he really loves Rashmi but fear to tell her as he knows that rashmi is good looking girl and he is not as good looking as her. but obviously in most of the cases of love marriage girls are more good looking then boys.

Vishal’s friend has started teasing him with the name of Rashmi. in fact Rashmi was almost famous as Bhabhi in her class. Rashmi knows nothing about this, she was taking Vishal as a good friend as most of all girls take their boy friends, before getting into any serious relation. Vishal has some of the good friends who can help him if he ask so, but he thinks that including friends in this type of matter may create misunderstanding in Rashmi’s mind. therefore one day he proposed her for directly for marriage.
Rashmi get shocked because she was not expecting this from Vishal. she thought that vishal will understand her refusal and most of guys do. like, many guys propose to a girl she refuses it and guy goes on with other girl. but vishal is very much of a emotional guy. he cant accept it that rashmi refused his proposal. he got upset for a long time. after few days his friends try to make him happy and they got succeeded. still whenever Vishal sees rashmi anywhere he gets upset. he was still thinking that rashmi will come back to him and accepts his proposal.
Rashmi is a very career oriented girl, she cant accepts vishal’s offer and it was a good decision by her too as vishal is a family oriented guy. but vishal still thinks that she can make her change her nature which his friends thinks an impossible task to do. vishal get so many proposal for marriage from his relatives but he refused all the offers with many different reasons but the actual reason was that he is waiting for rashmi to getting married so he gets relieve from the burden of being a person who cant wait for his love to turn around. but rashmi is a career oriented girl so she became busy in her work and get places in one of the best MNC in india. now she doesn’t have a time to think about marriage.
all the friends from their batch got married one by one but rashmi was busy in her career and vishal was waiting for her to getting married. vishal was so much pressurized from his family and relatives to get married so he decided to start further study and he got admission in Phd but he still feels that one day rashmi will realize that she had make a mistake and will come back him.
Rashmi never told what she feels about vishal because she thinks that if she tell him everything he might not like it or he becomes more upset. Rashmi likes Vishal as a friend as a good friend, but he cant accept him as her lover or a husband because he don’t match in any of physical or mental criteria of her. but she always say to him that she don’t feel that way about him and on this statement vishal always thinks that she may feel something about him in future!!!!.
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